Timely Conjunction
A conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and the Crescent Moon, behind the clocktower in Sale, East Gippsland (Victoria, Australia).
Date: 01/12/08
Views: 9572
A Timely Conjunction Wide
A broader view of the scene around the 'Timely Conjunction' image.
Date: 01/12/08
Views: 8114
Wind Vane Conjunction
Cojunction behind the wind vane on top of the Sale clock tower.
Date: 01/12/08
Views: 8836
Partial Solar Eclipse, October 3rd, 2005
Date: 03/10/05
Views: 9152
Asteroid Veritas
Asteroid Veritas 'discovered' near Cone Nebula
Date: 31/12/05
Views: 9700
Almost Mars
Almost Mars: August 2003
Date: 28/08/03
Views: 6133