
Canon 200mm f2.8L Lens Test

Star tests with the Canon 200mm f2.8L II lens and 1.4x and 2x teleconverters.

Canon 200mm f2.8L II lens

10D Centre 100% 10D Corner 100% 35mm Film Corner


Canon 28-135mm Lens Test

Star tests with the Canon 28-125mm lens.

Canon 28-135mm f3.5 - 5.6 IS USM @28mm

Centre 100% Corner 100%


20mm Wide Angle Lens Test

20mm Wide Angle Test

These photos were taken on a fixed tripod using autofocus on the centre of the image. These images are 100% crops from near the corner of the original.

Sigma 20mm
f1.8 EX DG

Canon EF-S 10-22mm

Lens Tests

A series of tests with wide angle and telephoto Canon and Sigma lenses, comparing performance on daylight and star targets.

Film Tips

This info is many years old, but perhaps still useful for some! It's a long time since I used any of these..

Finding good astrophotography films is tedious, especially when you have only a limited number of nights and don't want to risk them trying new films. Below are some of my thoughts on films I have used.


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